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inv services logo

Support, Simplify, Unify and Deliver

Providing the services and support to enable Inv Group to succeed

About Inv Services

Inv Services is an internal service provider and our ultimate goal is to provide the best possible service to the other subsidiaries, this then allows them to focus on their duties and collectively reach company targets.

There are 9 areas covered by Inv Services: Finance, HR, Facilities, Internal IT, Compliance, Procurement, Legal, R&D and Culture.

We all work incredibly hard to ensure our customers are satisfied with the service we deliver and we always look at ways to improve and adapt with the fast paced nature of our business.

Registered Number:  06959535

VAT Number: GB 343 8254 95

Registered Number:  06959535

VAT Number: GB 343 8254 95


Inv Services, 4th Floor, Dukes Court, Duke Street, Woking GU21 5BH